Recharging a smartphone in 30 seconds may become a reality in 2016 with StoreDot technology


By: Brittany Wagner

Is your phone running low on battery and you are running low on time? StoreDot, a company based in Israel, is in the process of fixing this dilemma.  According to, the prototype is a battery which uses nanotechnology to recharge a phone from 0% to 100% in 30 seconds. StoreDot demonstrated the new technology during Microsoft’s Think Next Symposium. 

The new technology StoreDot is utilizing is the battery, not the charger. StoreDot uses “nanodots” which are derived from bio-organic material and help rapid charging. StoreDot says the electrical properties of these “nanodots” allow the electrode to charge more rapidly while still having the discharge rate of a lithium-ion battery.

In the video, the size of the battery is much larger than than the one in the Samsung Galaxy and does not have as much capacity, so it will not last nearly as long as the regular lithium-ion battery in the phone. According to, The company itself also faces challenges in terms of raising money for funding further development and mass production, as well as getting through the testing phase of safety and longevity.Currently, the company has not revealed any information as far as pricing is concerned, but they are expected to begin production in late 2016. 

If StoreDot can successfully and adequately produce technology to recharge a smart phone in 30 seconds, I think it may just change the world. If they can figure out how to make the battery the size of a regular cell phone battery but have the ability to hold a charge longer and charge faster, the battery will revolutionize all kinds of batteries. Cars, computers and alkaline batteries can all adopt this technology and people will not have to constantly worry about how low their batteries are getting. I cannot wait to see if StoreDot can actually make this prototype a reality. 

Night Vision Contacts


By: Brittany Wagner

Technology has influenced almost every aspect of our human lives. Television, internet, navigation, cell phones, e-readers, iPods and more, what could they possibly do next? Technology is touching every thing we do, why should it not touch our eye sight? Google has created Google Glass, where you can get access to virtually everything on the internet through glasses. Well, to take it a step further, scientists at the University of Michigan have developed an Infrared sensor which could potentially be used in the production of night vision contacts. So, if you are afraid of the dark, you may no longer have a reason to fear. 

Usually infrared technology involves multiple technologies to view all layers of the spectrum. In addition, infrared technology requires bulky cooling equipment. Thanks to graphene, the scientists at the University of Michigan have been able to put infrared technology into a compact size that can operate at room temperature. 

“Our work pioneered a new way to detect light,” Zhaohui Zhong, an assistant professor at the university, said in a statement. “We envision that people will be able to adopt this same mechanism in other material and device platforms.”

I think night vision contacts would be awesome to have. As a female and someone who is afraid of the dark, I would benefit from having contacts that would help me see at night. These contacts could potentially help other fields of work including doctors, police officers, and military personnel. I am interested to find out how well these contacts will react with the human eye and what side effects will occur. 

Call them Glassoldiers


By: Brittany Wagner

Tony Stark uses this amazing technology when he saving the world as Iron Man. So what is it you ask? It is similar to Google glass. It can tell him all sorts of valuable information about those around him. Well it is possible that soon the military will be able to save the world utilizing similar technology. 


Soldiers could use information like enemy positions, locations of fellow soldiers, maps of houses and cities, and what is waiting for them over a hill or around a corner. Unfortunately, until recently there has been no way to live stream this information to them. Well with Google glass technology, called Q-warrior, soldiers will be able to have this information at their fingertips. According too, “it gives soldiers a full-color, 3D display of what’s happening in areas outside their line of sight, which has the potential to seriously boost a soldier’s situational awareness.”

Q-Warrior Infographic

Donald Lee, a project lead in the Army’s Natick Soldier Research said that the military already has the technology, they just do not know how to produce it to where it will be easy to use and not overload the screen with information. Lee explained that in order for the technology to be useful, they have to determine what bits of information are necessary. 

As of right now, there is no set roll out date for these goggles to enter the mainstream battlefield. Neither the United States military nor the United Kingdom-based BAE systems have confirmed contracts with the Q-warrior technology. It is expected that the technology will first be introduced to a select group of military personnel like the Seals for example. Then, if it is successful, all sorts of military personnel will follow suit.  

As the daughter of two Naval officers, I think this technology would revolutionize the way the United States of America fights in war. After seeing similar technology used in movies like Iron Man and other spy movies, it has been something that has been anticipated for a long time. I am excited to see if Q-warrior technology will become a regular aide in battle. 


Ankles Away!


By: Brittany Wagner

As someone who works out regularly, I noticed that my hands seemed to be getting a bit crowded. With a watch, iPod, hair ties and fitness tracker, I realized it was getting hard to perform certain exercises. And when I decide to do cycling, my tracker wasn’t even useful. But now, thanks to a Kickstarter project called Flyfit, I can wear a tracker around my ankle that will monitor everything, even the rate of pedaling.

FlyFit fitness tracker on biker

Credit (Flyfit)

Swimmers and bicyclists can now join in the fitness tracking craze. A new product called Flyfit assists athletes in properly measuring their fitness progress on a daily basis. Similar to the technology that Nike Fuel Band and Fitbit utilize, Flyfit is also a pedometer-based fitness tracker, but it can also measure pedal and leg stroke movements.

So how does it work?

The Flyfit is a bracelet tracker, which has been in development since 2012, which is worn around a person’s ankle instead of their wrist. According to, Flyfit will connect to your phone using Bluetooth to track pace, speed and GPS location and, like other fitness trackers, will have the ability to record other aspects of your daily activity — your steps, your sleep cycle and it does it all in real time. 

The device includes a waterproof, USB-chargeable battery, which is ideal for swimmers, and comes in five different colors. When fully charged the battery can last up to a full week, when in low-power mode. 

And just wait, it gets better!

The mobile app, while still under development, will work on both iOS and Android operating systems. The sleek and friendly design of Flyfit is perfect for men and women who value the sports gear they use. Not only is it the most accurate fitness tracker for swimmers and bicyclists, it is also perfect for friendly competition. As you are working out with your friends you can set goals and track results over time to see how you stack up against each other.

In my opinion, Flyfit seems like the ideal fitness tracker for all men and women who enjoy time spent exercising. Whether you run, swim, cycle or just walk, Flyfit seems like it would be the most accurate fitness tracker on the market. I love that you are able to wear Flyfit around your ankle instead of your wrist because it will allow better track the progress you are making in your fitness routine.

I wonder if retailers like Nike and Fitbit will be able to recreate their fitness tracker technology to include cyclists and swimmers. If not, I truly think Flyfit will become the leader of fitness tracking technology.

Is Curvy the New Straight?


By: Brittany Wagner

In a world so accustomed to new technology emerging everyday, have you ever attempted to think of your own creative new media to introduce to the ever evolving world of technology? Me either. But I have wondered how inventors like Steve Jobs, creative mind behind Apple, or Larry Page and Sergey Brin, founders of Google, can imagine and produce products like the iPad and the largest search engine in the world, and make them successful. Now, the world has a new concept for a smart phone: the LG G Flex.


LG announced that the G Flex is set to release in more than 20 European countries next month. According to an article on Cnet, the LG G Flex is expected to have a plastic 6-inch screen that will feature OLED technology. Cnet Senior Editor explained that just because the screen has flexible technology, the phone itself will not bend. The horizontal curve was designed so it will fit comfortably with the contour of your face.


Don’t get too excited though, LG is not the only company playing with the idea of a curved phone. Samsung unveiled their vertically curved phone, the Samsung Galaxy Round, in October. The Galaxy Round will feature a 5.7 inch screen and will have OLED technology. According to an article on The Verge, Samsung is touting a new feature called “Round Interaction,” which allows you to look at information such as missed calls, battery life, and the date and time when you tilt it on a flat surface with the screen off. The “Round Interaction” technology will also work with music and photo applications.

So, is curvy the new straight? I hope so! I think the curved screen innovation is one of the best new technologies to emerge in our time. Having a smartphone that will contour to your face will make multitasking easier. Between the LG G Flex and the Samsung Galaxy Round, I am more eager to see the Samsung Galaxy Round. The two phones are very similar in size and OLED technology, but I am more excited for the concept of “Round Interaction” technology Samsung is working on because I think it will revolutionize the convenience of checking your phone on the go. Get excited America, these phones are coming to stores near us very soon!

image: David Becker/Getty Images

Video: Android Authority, Youtube