Night Vision Contacts


By: Brittany Wagner

Technology has influenced almost every aspect of our human lives. Television, internet, navigation, cell phones, e-readers, iPods and more, what could they possibly do next? Technology is touching every thing we do, why should it not touch our eye sight? Google has created Google Glass, where you can get access to virtually everything on the internet through glasses. Well, to take it a step further, scientists at the University of Michigan have developed an Infrared sensor which could potentially be used in the production of night vision contacts. So, if you are afraid of the dark, you may no longer have a reason to fear. 

Usually infrared technology involves multiple technologies to view all layers of the spectrum. In addition, infrared technology requires bulky cooling equipment. Thanks to graphene, the scientists at the University of Michigan have been able to put infrared technology into a compact size that can operate at room temperature. 

“Our work pioneered a new way to detect light,” Zhaohui Zhong, an assistant professor at the university, said in a statement. “We envision that people will be able to adopt this same mechanism in other material and device platforms.”

I think night vision contacts would be awesome to have. As a female and someone who is afraid of the dark, I would benefit from having contacts that would help me see at night. These contacts could potentially help other fields of work including doctors, police officers, and military personnel. I am interested to find out how well these contacts will react with the human eye and what side effects will occur. 

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