Call them Glassoldiers


By: Brittany Wagner

Tony Stark uses this amazing technology when he saving the world as Iron Man. So what is it you ask? It is similar to Google glass. It can tell him all sorts of valuable information about those around him. Well it is possible that soon the military will be able to save the world utilizing similar technology. 


Soldiers could use information like enemy positions, locations of fellow soldiers, maps of houses and cities, and what is waiting for them over a hill or around a corner. Unfortunately, until recently there has been no way to live stream this information to them. Well with Google glass technology, called Q-warrior, soldiers will be able to have this information at their fingertips. According too, “it gives soldiers a full-color, 3D display of what’s happening in areas outside their line of sight, which has the potential to seriously boost a soldier’s situational awareness.”

Q-Warrior Infographic

Donald Lee, a project lead in the Army’s Natick Soldier Research said that the military already has the technology, they just do not know how to produce it to where it will be easy to use and not overload the screen with information. Lee explained that in order for the technology to be useful, they have to determine what bits of information are necessary. 

As of right now, there is no set roll out date for these goggles to enter the mainstream battlefield. Neither the United States military nor the United Kingdom-based BAE systems have confirmed contracts with the Q-warrior technology. It is expected that the technology will first be introduced to a select group of military personnel like the Seals for example. Then, if it is successful, all sorts of military personnel will follow suit.  

As the daughter of two Naval officers, I think this technology would revolutionize the way the United States of America fights in war. After seeing similar technology used in movies like Iron Man and other spy movies, it has been something that has been anticipated for a long time. I am excited to see if Q-warrior technology will become a regular aide in battle.